Have you ever had an awesome amazing interaction with someone in a Facebook group and then you go to check their personal profile to see only to find that their page is….
- Set to private
- They haven’t listed what they do or their website
- They don’t have a Facebook Fan page for their business or haven’t listed it
It surprises me that so many people are participating in groups and providing amazing content but have totally blocked the potential to turn their group participation into more Facebook page likes let alone more website traffic.
1. You have to be visible to be profitable
Here’s the thing if you want to attract clients online or even remotely have the possibility to attract clients online you need to be visible. That applies to Instagram too. You can’t have a private profile and wonder why you get absolutely no traffic from Facebook.
Pro tip: Even your personal Facebook profile is part of your brand and online presence.
Action step: Change your privacy settings so that your ideal clients can “like, know and trust” you. Find the right settings for you.
2. List your business as your occupation + take advantage of the new bio section
Make the most of every bit of text you can enter by including what you do and linking it to your Facebook fan page. I show you how to do it in the video below.
Pro tip: Fill out the new bio section to let people know what you do.
Action step: Add your business as your occupation and in the bio section add your “elevator” pitch.
3. Set up a Facebook page for your business
Almost everyone has a Facebook page for something. I get a gazillion page like invites every day. So why don’t you have one? If you don’t have one you may want to consider setting one up. If you already have one it’s time to make sure it’s optimized to send traffic to your site.
Pro tip: Use the “call to action” button to drive traffic to your site in addition to posting links to your website in the bio sections.
Action step: Go set up that Facebook page! I promise it’s easy and won’t take you long. If you already have one optimize it to send traffic to your site.
Watch This Video For A Quick Tutorial On The Steps Mentioned
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