Also known as the blog where I share my best strategies, tips, advice and other business secrets for running a business without spending hours in front of the computer.
The average open rate for a welcome email is 82%. If you’re not thinking strategically about what you’re saying in this email or not sending one at all you’re missing out on a big opportunity. Good news, it’s an easy fix and I’m going to show you how to capitalize on your welcome email so you can connect with your new subscribers and turn them into customers.
You’re totally smitten with the idea of creating an online course that leverages your time and allows you to take on fewer clients while still being able to afford a grande Mango Dragon Fruit Refresher BUT you’ve got your doubts. It all seems a little too good to be true, am I right? Well, I got you! I completely understand that you want to know that you’re ready before you take the leap. I’m going to share with you a few signs that you’re ready to make the move.
When picking a platform or any technology for that matter a lot of us will crowdsource suggestions. Which is where most people go wrong because what worked for sally might not work for Suzy. You don’t want to be Suzy who buys an expensive WordPress plugin because someone raved about how amazing it was only to realize you don’t have the budget or tech skill you need to properly build your course on WordPress. Trust me that’s not a mistake you want to make and that’s probably why you’re reading this because you want to know how to avoid picking the wrong platform.
Need to create a fillable worksheet for your online course or membership site but don’t have Adobe? Easy, just use Canva. In this quick tutorial, I’ll show you how to easily create a worksheet from scratch in Canva and how to export it so that it’s fillable. This is perfect if you’re creating worksheets for your online course, membership site, group program or info product. In this step by step tutorial, I will show you how to design a worksheet in Canva and a free trick for making it fillable.
You determined that this is the year you launch an online course for your business. You’re ready. But there’s one thing stopping you. A question that you can’t seem to pinpoint an answer to. How much content should I include in my online course? I want to answer this nagging question for once and for all so you can move forward and launch your course.

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I’m going to let you in on a little secret to sharing Google Docs so that the shareable link automatically prompts “make a copy”. It’s perfect for sharing files with clients and customers without risking losing or damaging the original file.
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