Funnel Secrets

expert marketing advice and behind the scenes strategies so you can start quicker, grow faster and be successful sooner.

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Get your pens ready and your calendar out. I’m giving you the run down of the most important dates for your 4th quarter marketing. Don’t worry if you’re not ready for holidays. There’s still time catch up if you start planning now. If you need help join me for a quick content strategy call. It’s […]

Clearly, Periscope was onto something when it introduced social media savvies and online business gurus to the powers of live streaming and if you’re reading this you’re already convinced that Instagram Live is going be the 2017 marketing game changer for  your business. BUT…you don’t have a clue what to do with it. Have no fear because I’ve got 20 ideas for how you can start using Instagram Live to market your business and grow your following.

You know you need a lead magnet or opt-in offer to grow your very important email list  but you don’t know where to start. We all hit a wall some times where the creativity just doesn’t flow or we just need a push. So I compiled a list of 12 lead magnet ideas that you can easily create to grow your email list and get more clients in your business fast.

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Sharice has designed 6 figure sales funnels and fulfillment systems that reduce cost and increase profitability. Sharice uses her marketing communications background and knowledge of marketing technology to help businesses leverage automation and tools that scale.

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5 steps to a more confident, in-control mindset

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